Fear Mongering in the “Crunchy” Community

Every day, I see content from accounts on instagram and facebook that makes people feel like they can't do anything, eat anything, buy anything, or heck, even breathe anymore! And don't get an air filter; EMFs! They scream about how "everything is toxic!" and make it feel like the only safe option is to live in a bubble.

And most of them - do not provide any education on the topic, or alternatives to consider, or even things to do to lower exposure. It's just clickbait.

Many of these posts are factually wrong.

Misinformation spreads because it's engaging, not because it's true. (I hate even using the term "misinformation"). Sensationalized content tends to get more likes and shares, so the focus becomes on stoking fear, not educating or offering solutions. It leads to more follows and for many, more profit.

Fear is stressful - and we don't need more stress.

Let's be real: life is challenging enough without adding unnecessary anxiety about things we can't completely control!

YES, exposure to environmental chemicals is a real concern. There is no denying we live in a toxic and fallen world.

They can affect our long-term health, and it IS important to be informed. BUT we need to approach this topic with balance and perspective... and nuance.

Informed > consumed.

Zero exposure to every toxin is impossible. Our world isn't pristine, and that's okay. The goal isn't perfection; it's to lower our exposure without having to overhaul our daily lives. It's okay to be concerned, but you don't need to be fearful of every single thing. That's not productive, and we know that stress is also a major contributor to chronic disease.

Stress CAN kill you faster than those toxins.

We're playing the long game. Individual exposures aren't things we generally need to worry about. Small, sustainable changes to reduce exposure over time are what really matter. It's what really adds up in this marathon of life.

So bottom line: it's okay to be concerned and to want to take action, but you don't need to be afraid of... living.

We don't live in a perfect world. We live in this one - and it's polluted. (this is why pushing for stricter environmental regulations of polluting industries is SO important!)

Seafood has mercury contamination, rice has higher levels of arsenic than other foods, many very healthy vegetables contain lead and cadmium.

And yet we eat these foods because, on the whole, they still offer us a net positive in terms of benefits.

We have decades of good data showing that people who eat more fruits and vegetables have lower rates of disease. This is due in part because the fiber in those vegetables.

We know for example that fiber binds to and aid in the excretion of heavy metals. Micronutrients, which we primarily get from plants (yes, even the ones with heavy metals IN them) can modulate the toxicity of metals. And nutrient rich foods like berries, tomatoes, onions, and garlic can also help.

What this means is that not all of the heavy metals you eat get absorbed into the body - there are many factors that can influence how much get absorbed vs excreted.

The reality is that zero exposure, to something like LEAD, is not something that's possible. You can absolutely avoid what's avoidable. However, holding companies to an insanely impossible standard, and demanding ZERO exposure from them... is never going to happen.

I'm not concerned at all over the fear certain accounts provoke on this topic, and instead I am frustrated that they are targeting companies who are doing the right thing by aggressively testing and ensuring they're under a certain threshold. Without the full picture being painted.

Context and details matter.

The reality is that zero exposure, to something like LEAD, is not something that's possible. You can absolutely avoid what's avoidable. However, holding companies to an insanely impossible standard, and demanding ZERO exposure from them... is never going to happen.

I'm not concerned at all over the fear certain accounts provoke on this topic, and instead I am frustrated that they are targeting companies who are doing the right thing by aggressively testing and ensuring they're under a certain threshold. Without the full picture being painted.

Context and details matter.

Zero heavy metals in food is impossible. Metals are elements - they are in the soil, and therefore taken up by plants. They're in nearly all foods, but again, context matters.

As I continue further and further down this journey of living a little less toxic overall, I am constantly reminded that:

I'm a stickler for the details and for the nuance that each situation requires. I absolutely loathe sensationalism and overhyping of risk.

I hope this helps you to navigate this conversation with a little more ease!


How I Handle Fevers As A Natural Minded Mom


5 Things I Would Do If I *REALISTICALLY* Wanted To Live Less Toxic In 2025