Hi friends! Let's talk MINERALS! If we were all living in places with fresh spring water, eating organic produce from mineral-rich soil, and eating pasture raised and regenerative farmed organic animal proteins, we would be getting ample amounts of organic minerals and electrolytes in our diets! However, in modern society, this is sadly not the case. Many of us are living in cities with tap water that has been treated and stripped of its minerals, drinking bottled water with just a few minerals added back into it, eating vegetables and proteins grown in depleted soil, and as a result, our modern diets are severely deficient in minerals.
Buoy has created a unique product line of mineral + electrolyte supplements to support your health and energy levels. Their mineral formulas are easy to integrate into your routine, either by adding them to your drinking water (or ANY beverage of choice – juice, coffee, tea, etc) or you could even take them directly! Revitalize your wellness routine with pure, bioavailable liquid minerals right from nature (will add photo of buoy next to this) One of the ONLY supplements I think nearly all of us need…. Trace minerals + electrolytes, but ESPECIALLY moms!
Minerals are vital nutrients that fuel our bodies and allow them to function at their best. They are the essence of cell life, critical for energy production, enzyme function, and maintaining the structural integrity of cells. Buoy offers several powerful formulas with natural electrolytes, including trace minerals and essential minerals like magnesium, to help replenish the minerals that are missing from our food and water! Don't forget you can grab Buoy with my code (BUOYERYN) for 20% off!