What Example Are We Truly Setting?

It’s been on my mind recently, especially with the cards I’m currently dealt and navigating - so much cyber bullying and airing dirty laundry that should never surface.

I just can’t fathom how we, as adult grown women, are continuing to let highschool characteristics follow us now.

What example are we TRULY setting for the next generation?

I will be the first to admit I haven’t always acted lovingly and wise on social media, but after the events of my last year; I will not let it get to that point again. Our kids deserve better.

If adults are knowingly cyber bullying, how can we expect our children not to follow along and do it?
Christians: Why do we justify cyber bullying by adding a Bible verse? Adding a (most often out of context) Bible verse when being hateful doesn’t equate it to being justified or okay.
Parents: Are we leading by example how to act on social media?

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