2022 Baby/Momma Low Tox Product Guide


2022 Low/Non-toxic all things Baby/Momma Product Swap Guide. 30+ pages of safer swaps for momma & baby. My favorite pregnancy/post partum resources. Basics on what to look/for or avoid when making safer swaps. Direct links to most products mentioned + discount codes. A few of my top favorite products marked + a few of my favorite budget friendly swaps (for big ticket items)

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2022 Low/Non-toxic all things Baby/Momma Product Swap Guide. 30+ pages of safer swaps for momma & baby. My favorite pregnancy/post partum resources. Basics on what to look/for or avoid when making safer swaps. Direct links to most products mentioned + discount codes. A few of my top favorite products marked + a few of my favorite budget friendly swaps (for big ticket items)

2022 Low/Non-toxic all things Baby/Momma Product Swap Guide. 30+ pages of safer swaps for momma & baby. My favorite pregnancy/post partum resources. Basics on what to look/for or avoid when making safer swaps. Direct links to most products mentioned + discount codes. A few of my top favorite products marked + a few of my favorite budget friendly swaps (for big ticket items)